Each steel rope consists of a certain number of waists wrapped around the core and each waist consists of multiple wires

Rope measurements

Rope meter – The proportion of the described circle around the waists of the rope. The scale is measured by measuring the two farthest points of opposite circles.

Types of cores

Core – The core rope is tasked with providing internal resistance to circles in the most difficult conditions of use, thus avoiding the wear of wires in the waists and deformation of ropes. In case the core serves only as the backbone of the waists (easier working state) the core is generally cooked. For heavier working conditions (higher strain, dynamic impact or elevated temperature over 90 degrees Celsius) the core is mandatory steel (either waist or separate rope)

The most pre-representative constructions of special ropes are:


SEALE (S) – parallel layers, different waist thicknesses, same number of wires in the outer and inner layer. In the outer layer we find wires of a larger intersection and in the inner wires of the smaller intersection. These doodies have greater resistance to wear, so it is used in conditions where external friction is more pronounced.


WARRINGTON (W) – Parallel layers, the inner layer consists of wires of the same intersection while the outer layer has two different waist thicknesses and twice as many wires as the inner layer. Rope is characterized by fexivity and resistance to material fatigue


WARRINGTON-SEALE (WS) – Combination of Seale and Warrington construction. The outer Seale layer with the inner Warrington layer. This combination is characterized by flexibility and resilience to wear


FILLER (F) – Parallel layers, the outer layer has twice as many wires as the inner one with a small section of wires that fill the space between them, increasing the tightness of the rope as well as its flexibility


COMPACTED – The waistlines are condensed, increasing the fulfillment of the rope



This type of rope represents the simplest way to use wires in one or more layers. Due to its low flexibility, it is used as static constlings whose characteristics are great resistance to wear, small torsion tendency, high degree of use of interruptive force on the train and a small ability to bend.
Some of the spiral rope constructions: 1×7; 1×12; 1×19; 1×37 …


Ovaj tip užadi se koristi kao statička i kao radna užad. Kao radna, koristi se u radu gde nema učestalih savijanja i oštrijih pregibanja, Zbog načina použenja standardna užad ima izraziti tačkasti dodir žica u struku, što povećava specifični pritisak, čime se smanjuje trajnost užeta. Bitna odlika ovih This type of rope is used as static and as work ropes. As a work, it is used in work where there are no frequent bendings and sharper folds, because of the way the standard ropes are used, the standard rope has a distinct dotted touch of wires in the waist, which increases the specific pressure, thereby reducing the durability of the rope. The important feature of these ropes is that there is only one dimension of the wire in their composition, while only the rope is made of 6 or 8 waists. The most common applications of these ropes are found in the mechanical or construction industry, fisheries, forestry, etc.
Some of the construction of standard ropes: 6×7+J; 6×19+J; 6×37+J


 In these types of ropes we find several different dimensions of wires that touch each other up longitust, which increases the surface of the touch, that is, the specific pressure is reduced to a minimum. Special narrowings are used where there is increased strain on the bending and for the narrower one that crosses the drums to cheer.